25 Jul 2008

Second-hand housing loan procedures

Individual housing loans is the second-hand person to purchase real estate market through the purchase of housing as collateral to banks for the purchase of used to cover part of the loan, also known as artificial Shoufang personal housing loans.

Loan conditions

1, a town resident accounts or valid residency status;
2, a stable job and income, good credit, the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
3, with the purchase of housing contract or agreement;
4, can afford to pay no less than full purchase price after the Defense Evaluation at 50 percent of the down payments;
5, agreed to purchase housing as collateral, or to provide loans to the recognition of assets as collateral or the quality of, or have secured qualification and adequate compensation capacity of units or individuals of outstanding loans as a principal and interest are jointly and severally liable and the guarantor;
6, provides loans to the other conditions.

Loan amount, duration and interest rates

Housing mortgage loans in the secondary usually does not exceed the maximum amount of housing purchase price or 50 percent of the price assessment. Loan period of not more than 15 years has been in use for less housing, the longest of not more than 20 years has been in use for less housing. The implementation of the People's Bank loan interest rates provided for individual housing loan interest rates.

The application procedures

1, the borrower loans made to apply in writing and provide information:
(1) signed by the seller and the buyer the right to sign the housing sector contract transactions;
(2) the purchase of housing and housing property rights documents were agreed to sell a total of the paper;
(3) the family property that the borrower and proof of income (including from work units issued by the personal income proof, which tax receipts, bank deposits, real estate proved, securities, etc.);
(4) borrower valid proof of identity (referring to identity cards, residence booklet or other valid residency documents) and proof of marital status;
(5) and a total of borrowers who agree to purchase housing by the paper as collateral.
2, buyers and sellers in loans to open accounts, the buyers will purchase the first phase of the loan in full and deposited into the account designated line.
3, the loan will investigate, review and approval, the borrower and the lending Bank signed loan contracts and "zoned charge of the power of attorney."
4, for the transfer, insurance, notary and mortgage registration procedures.
5, the transfer of ownership certificates. The borrower will have completed registration formalities of housing mortgages of all warrants, warrants and the housing he purchased the insurance policy (the original), together with loans to pay mortgages.
6, designated to pay loans. For the above-mentioned procedures after the loans will be included in loans to borrowers in the loan accounts opened in accordance with the "power of attorney is zoned charge of the" mandate, would be a one-time loan from the borrower accounts are included in Shoufang account.

Debt service approach

In repayment tools available on the bank card, demand deposit cash or discount to repay. In the way of repayment may be staging a one-time repayment methods and means of repayment. The use of monthly payments, determine the monthly repayment of 20 to 30, extended holiday event. Amortization method of calculation see "individual housing loan repayment calculation model."

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