25 Jul 2008

irm secondary system increased down payment mortgage policy

Analysis of the Second Mortgages

Second mortgage which is already in the bank once the purchase of commercial housing for personal loans, the loan is not repaid on the premise of the second purchase of commercial housing personal loans. To curb Chaofang, on the banks above the secondary or secondary mortgage very strict review, the general will be the first mortgage loan, a review of personal qualities, while increasing proportion of the first payment, the implementation of the benchmark 6.12 percent Interest rates.

For the definition of secondary mortgage

To Minsheng Bank as an example, real estate in Beijing has not conducted a mortgage, buying houses belonging to the first mortgage loan, the implementation of 5.508 percent interest rate, 20 percent down payment, the bank has for the first commercial housing loans, the Housing Credit record and has repaid the loans, the implementation of 5.508 percent interest rate, 20 percent down payment, the bank has for once housing loans (mortgage records and have not yet repaid the loans), a second mortgage, the Executive 6.12 % Benchmark interest rate, 30% down payment (a Minsheng Bank, the second down payment limit for average 2.5%); not for two or more housing loans.

Personal credit is mainly the review of the representation of the loans were flat, job, income, accounts, or whether there is a real estate deposits and other financial strength of the review.

The questions raised by netizens, for example, if a family of her husband's name to purchase, for a mortgage, conducted by her husband on the loan, the loan to buy a house wife is whether the secondary mortgage »

Bank of the family will be in his wife's personal credit and loan review capacity, if the wife's personal credit in good condition, for on the appropriate proportion of household income, can still be regarded as the first mortgage, the implementation of 5.508 percent interest rate.

Second Mortgages are still against the normal buyers

A series of mortgage policy in suppressing Chaofang, curb housing prices in effect clear, but the real buyers are still not a small impact. Beijing several years ago because people have more of the hands of funding constraints, the loan to buy a lower down payment, the smaller (30 to 40 square meters) of the property to meet the urgent needs, and the last two years because of population growth, and so on, they Want to sell their small apartment for a living area slightly larger than the house, which is also part of the normal buyers, they did not pay off again before the purchase of real estate mortgages, will face second mortgage policy constraints, not only increased the Down payment and the implementation of the benchmark rate for the month also increased. The obvious difference between this part of Chaofang with the group, the second mortgage is obviously unfair to lose, this bank is also not clear distinction to define.

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