25 Jul 2008

Renovation loan conditions more flexible clear for a home renovation loan process

Individual housing loan business renovation carried out smoothly at present, a very important reason is that unlike the terms of lending decoration before "card" in the death of operating flexibility than before in many practices, procedures and methods from exploration on track, the most important Bank lending is in, inspected the lender's credit, the "attention" to transfer decoration company, to allow corporate customers to guarantee the loans.

Housing renovation personal bank loans is the use of credit funds to the residents of the housing for its own decoration of the renminbi loans to cover household decoration and maintenance works of construction of the relevant materials, decoration, kitchen and toilet facilities, and so on.

Personal loans for housing decoration

1, a city resident accounts or effective urban residence status;

2, a stable job and income, good credit, the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

3, with the purchase of housing or have its own housing;

4, a decoration works contract or the purchase of decorative products;

5, a bank recognized as the arrival (of) the grantor's assets, or has the ability to have adequate compensation units or individuals are jointly and severally liable as a guarantor;

6, willing to accept the bank's other reasonable requests.

Loan Process

1, loan applicants to the bank loan application needs to fill a "personal housing loans decorative applications." At the same time the bank Jiaoyan relevant proof and information;

2, the bank borrowers Jiaoyan the relevant information and proof of authenticity, legitimacy and credit review the extent authorized, committed loans. Loan applicant accordingly and decoration company or decorative product sales contracts signed decoration works contract or decorative product orders and contracts submitted to the original bank.

3, lending the two sides sign a "personal decoration housing loan contract" and the corresponding guarantee contracts. To housing as collateral for the loan should be "personal housing mortgage contract," the notarization, and housing mortgage insurance and real estate mortgage registration procedures.

4, with a Bank loan guarantee procedures or confinement "that the property rights of others" for the lenders procedures;

5, the bank commissioned by the borrower, the loan contract agreement, to pay for decorative use of the name of loan funds to transfer mode is zoned to decorating company or unit sales of decorative products in the bank to open accounts.

The amount and duration

Housing renovation loan amount: the starting point to 5,000 yuan (with 5,000 yuan), the maximum over 150,000 yuan (inclusive of a 15 million). The way to guarantee the mortgage loan amount does not exceed the value of the collateral 70%, secured by way of pledge, loan amount does not exceed the value of the pledge of 80%.

Individual housing loans for renovation loans for the shortest period of six months, should not be longer than five years (including five years).

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