25 Jul 2008

Farmers loans - mortgage

Yesterday, Wu Xingqu Pali Dianzhen Cap-Kan Tai Village-fire demolition of resettlement to the ground as collateral, rural cooperative banks from Wu received 100,000 yuan of loans. "I contracted a project, are lacking liquidity, which just 100,000 yuan of my immediate need." He said excitedly told reporters.

Xu, 49-year-old fire-qin is contracted to do the work. According to him, the general approach to the project from the end, the workers wages to be paid on time, but the projects have to get a process that requires a considerable amount of liquidity. "In the past, I Dongnuexijie are encountered Couzu often difficult, but at any time may require Huanqian." He said, now home in the demolition of 136 square meters can be rehoused as collateral for the loan, interest rates low, Haiqian Fixed time. "Government has introduced such a good policy, I venture to add the oil is like." Xu Qin said the fire.

Zhang Kan Tai Village is the city home mortgage farmers pilot one of the region. According to Cap-Kan Tai village party secretary root soup, the village 97 percent of rural households engaged in non-agricultural industries. "Farmers want entrepreneurial wealth, but also an urgent need for funds. This new initiative to solve the early farmers venture fund shortage problems." He said.

In response, Wu, vice president of rural cooperative banks Wu-liang said that the ordinary peasant family in the most important asset is housing, housing used by the farmers but the land belongs to the collective land, housing permits have not property rights, in general can not be secured; another , Entrepreneurial farmers also need loans, but it is very difficult to find a guarantor so farmers have to support entrepreneurship, we must resolve this problem. Earlier this year, Wu rural cooperative banks to resolve this difficult problem referred to the agenda, in the city of "emancipating the mind, inspire vitality, entrepreneurial people rich, innovation-City" to discuss the practical activities of the bank and the city, district Explore the many departments and coordination, launched this initiative.

This approach provides: farmers by the village committee (peasant communities) to confirm, to the township (town) the Government Office for housing construction property rights registration; again to prove that the property rights registration departments as collateral to the bank loan applications. This would solve the farmers of the mortgage-related legal issues, funding for farmers opened an important channel.

Bank of Wu as a pilot rural cooperative banks, has introduced a mortgage farmers pilot scheme, operational procedures and other relevant details. According to regulations, farmers can be used for business loans, consumption loans for the amount of new housing within the area supporting a price or assessed at 60 percent, the highest single-household balance of loans not more than 200,000 yuan.

According to the Office of Huzhou in Zhejiang Province rural Xinyonglianshe that such farmers can be used for housing mortgage loans to the initiative, there is no precedent in the country. At present, the Wuxing rural cooperative banks have been gradually Chengdong branch in Pali village Dianzhen Cap-Kan Tai village communities and the former pilot and then promote the whole region.

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