25 Jul 2008

Construction Bank of individual housing provident fund loans

1, loan purposes: to accept the Construction Bank cities (counties) People's Government and the military, coal, railway, oil and other systems of housing provident fund management center commissioned by clients to provide the housing fund, according to commission entrusted with the agreement of the housing provident fund loans. Used to support the borrower in the Chinese mainland cities and towns in the purchase of various types of housing, to solve the housing provident fund deposit the purchase of individual workers, the lack of funding the construction of housing.

2, loans: housing accumulation fund management centre and the national provident fund to pay the relevant provisions of the individual customers.

3, loan conditions: for personal housing accumulation fund loans must meet the housing accumulation fund management departments of the housing accumulation fund loan requirements. Should have the basic conditions are as follows: (1) have a legal status; (2) in full and on time deposit housing accumulation fund, (3) a stable income, good credit, the ability to repay the loan principal and interest, (4) a legitimate Effective purchase, overhaul of housing contracts, agreements and requests for loans to other documents (5) local housing accumulation fund management sector provides more than the minimum amount of self-financing and guarantees for the payment of the purchase (overhaul) Housing The first payment, (6) to meet the requirements of the mortgage or pledge assets, or (and) there is sufficient compensatory ability of legal persons, other economic organizations or individuals as a guarantor; (7) in accordance with local housing accumulation fund management department under the other Borrowing conditions.

4, line of credit: The maximum amount of local housing provident fund management in accordance with the relevant provisions of the department;

5, the loan period: the People's Bank of China provided the longest period of loans from the housing accumulation fund management department under the borrower's loan period determine the actual situation.

6, lending rates: People's Bank of China in accordance with the provisions of the personal housing accumulation fund lending rate implementation, the implementation of the current interest rate is as follows:

Loan period to five years (including five years): Loan Interest Rates to 3.96%; loans for more than five years (excluding five years): Loan Interest Rates to 4.41 percent.

7, loan applications should be submitted to the material:

When customers apply for loans, required to submit the following information:

(1) personal loan applications for housing accumulation fund;

(2) identity documents (identity card, residence booklet or other identity documents);

(3) of the units issued by the borrower economic stability proof of income or other solvent that information;

(4) the legal purchase of housing contracts, agreements and documents of ratification;

(5) mortgage or pledge of rights and ownership documents list, issued by the powers who agreed to mortgage or pledge of proof;

(6) housing provident fund management institutions approved the assessment issued by the collateral valuation report;

(7) issued by the sponsors agreed to provide a written security guarantee and commitment to the creditworthiness of proof;

(8) borrower for the purchase of housing related to prove that the self-financing;

(9) housing accumulation fund under the management of documents and other information.

8, customer loan process:

(1) to apply. Borrowers loan applicants should submit a written application and submit the relevant information from the China Construction Bank after the TAC responsible for the admissibility of housing provident fund management departments or directly to the housing accumulation fund management applications, waiting for the housing provident fund management approval.

(2) signed a contract, to open deposit accounts. After borrowing for housing provident fund management sector through the examination and approval after notice from the Construction Bank signed loan contracts of borrowers and secured the contract. Selection of charge by way of repayment of the loan will be required to open a bank savings account debit card or credit card.

(3) for registration of mortgages insured housing insurance. After signing the contract, according to state and local laws and regulations for registration of mortgages and other necessary procedures, registration fees from mortgage borrowers burden, mortgage insurance policy during the original custody by the lending bank.

(4) unspent funds. Tianzhi borrowers in the bank loan to deposit credentials, according to the Construction Bank loan contract agreement, the loan will fund one or sub-Shoufang, included in the Shoufang Kuan open a bank account or loan funds will be transferred directly into the Borrowers in the bank to open deposit accounts.

(5) the repayment schedule. Borrowers by borrowing the contract and repayment of the loan repayment scheme, commissioned by the Construction Bank of China Construction Bank in phases to charge or Guimian, arranging the return of individual housing provident fund loans principal and interest.

(6) loan to settle. In loans due date, the borrower such as the early settlement of loans, the borrower according to the contract, in advance to the bank or housing provident fund management application from the housing provident fund management approval.

When closing the loan, the borrower from the bank for "loans that settled", get mortgage registration documents and the original insurance policy, issued by the China Construction Bank and a "settling of loans that" to the original mortgage registration department mortgage cancellation of registration Procedures.

Housing can also be used, called "personal housing loans to trading"

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