25 Jul 2008

Re-purchase loans

The central bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission in the "Second Suite" is defined criteria to throw "heavy bomb." Central Bank, the CBRC official said yesterday that the parties concerned, had used the loan to buy the first set of housing loans and records, regardless of whether their loans repaid, once again to commercial banks for the purchase of the second set (with) more housing loans, are The second mortgage in accordance with policy implementation.

Worried about impact on the industry to improve-home buyers

No doubt the above criteria than the "family" that the Second Suite more lethal. Previously, almost all commercial banks, mortgage details are determined that "has cleared the purchase of bank loans, such as the re-purchase loans are still available for the first set of self-treatment of housing, interest rates can fall." Real estate and banking that, according to Jian Guanceng such interpretations of standards, then a considerable amount of real estate demand will be suppressed, the first to bear the brunt of the restrictions, those improvements may be-buyers, this part of people to urban white-collar groups Lord.

The central bank, the China Banking Regulatory Commission before the world "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management supplementary notice" (No. 452) the further refinement of the second suite that standard. The central bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission official on the "No. 452," he said answering a reporter's question, had used bank loans to buy houses since the first set of families, whose per capita housing area of less than the local average, and again to the commercial banks for housing The loans, mutatis mutandis to the first set of housing loans since the implementation of policies. However, this type of borrower must pay off loans early, but also provide local real estate administrative departments in charge of information systems based on the registration certificate from the family housing area of search results.

The average per capita housing the local level to statistics department announced last year, whichever is the data.

In addition, the central bank, emphasized yesterday that the China Banking Regulatory Commission, has used the loan to buy the first set of housing loans and records, regardless of whether their loans repaid, once again to commercial banks for the purchase of the second set (with) more housing loans, The second mortgage in accordance with policy implementation. The official said that such requirements will curb irrational demand (including loan-to-Chaofang), but also improve the housing conditions of residents to meet the reasonable demand.

The central bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission on September 27 released "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management notice" (that is, mortgage New Deal), clearly stipulates: the purchase of housing loans have been used also for the purchase of the second set (with) more Housing, the first loan payment ratio shall not be less than 40 percent, mortgage rates in the benchmark rate on the basis of 10%.

Shanghai of a joint-stock banks mortgage Ministry official said, Jian Guanceng reason why this request is clearly in order to curb investment demand for housing purchases, and commercial banks as well as the pricing of mortgage rates than the floating down payment loans, will become an inevitable trend.

Maifang after the counting house purchase loans, "the second" not yet clear

As of now, there is no commercial banks in Shanghai introduced the latest mortgage rules, but, according to Jian Guanceng the latest reading of the spirit of the original bank loans issued by the rules may become invalid. Some banks mortgage business executives said the central bank, the CBRC's "supplementary notice" has been quite clear, in fact, the banks simply forward the implementation of the "452 of the text" button, it was not necessary to separate mortgage rules promulgated.

However, like the first set of self-occupied (loan-to-have been) the first to sell and then purchase loans, second mortgages will be whether the implementation of policies, such doubt be further defined. Some banks, commercial banks for such a situation may be treated differently, if the tightening of credit, it will be the same as "Second Suite." In addition, according to the original lending policies, not included in the second suite approval of the loan (ie re-settlement of loans), if the loan is now in the processing stage, the banks will be how to deal with it » The Shanghai bank's reply at two categories: based on the time of loan approval or a loan, whichever is the lender. Most banks believe that even if the mortgage contract has been signed, but if not loans, means that the loans are still not fully completed link, then it may re-approval, pricing.

Interpretation of the Jian Guanceng this time, people have questioned the view that those already burdened by the house purchase loans, loans to purchase investment, the commitment to double or even more, for, is banking risk, regulation and control policy Should be the object of this group. It closed loan customers, generally have sufficient strength of the repayment of bank loans to the risk of not, should not give up this part of quality customers.

"No. 452," main content

● clear to the borrower family as the unit finds that the number of mortgages.

● clearly had used bank loans to buy houses since the first set of families, whose per capita housing area of less than the local average, and again to the commercial banks for housing loans, mutatis mutandis to the first set of housing loans since the implementation of policies, but must provide evidence.

● has been clear on the purchase of housing accumulation fund loans of the family, once again to commercial banks for housing loans, should also be in accordance with the "supplementary notice" the implementation of the relevant provisions.

● requires commercial banks should earnestly carry out this obligation to truthfully fill out requested the relevant information, making false information and the provision of false proof, all commercial banks shall not be entertained their loan applications. The issue false information and providing false and that the units have been verified, all commercial banks are not allowed to re-prove their letter.

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