25 Jul 2008

Remove low housing area, there are records of loans to purchase two suites operator

Providing false material all the banks are not accepted

The notification requirement, the borrower shall, in accordance with the principle of good faith, to the banks to the real property, income, household registration and taxation documents. Once borrowers have been found in reporting false information or provide false proof of the act, all commercial banks shall be entertained their loan applications. The issue of false proof of income, and other units, which were verified, banks will no longer prove their admissibility. The central bank said, have started adjusting and improving personal and corporate credit information database to support the review of bank credit borrowers, disciplinary false information providers.

People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission in September 27 released "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management notice", had used the loan to buy housing, and for the purchase of the second set (with) more housing borrowers, clear The minimum requirements of the first loan payment ratio shall not be less than 40 percent, lending rates may not be lower than the same period of the People's Bank announced the same level of 1.1 times the benchmark rate.

The loans have been approved by the original policy implementation

Concerned that the general had been approved in accordance with the original policy or implementation.

In addition, the Agricultural Bank and China Construction Bank's Shanghai branch official said, for the units to households that second suites, the head office had not received the relevant documents.


"Family" as the number of units for housing loans

The circular requires that commercial banks in that the number of mortgages, borrowers have to be the family (including only the borrower, spouses and minor children) as a unit. As long as these family members who have a mortgage records, his own and other family members to apply for mortgages, both would be considered the second set and above the mortgage. This is the first time on the second set of regulatory and above the mortgage standards that make provision. Only adult children and their parents house purchase loans, not in this column. On this point, the interviewees expressed the views of the public generally recognized that while "family" for the unit provides partial martial law, but added notice of the borrower fully consider the future of the family members for a period of time changes, "not across the board, compared humanity . "

The bank believes that before because there are different understanding of the provisions of the result of unhealthy competition between banks, the clear provisions of reunification can be avoided this situation. However, the implementation of "family" for the units, banks in the review of mortgage information, to spend more time to investigate the borrower to submit information on family members of the real situation, which could lead to extend the mortgage processing time.

In addition, the "family" as a unit of the review standards, may involve more moral and ethical issues. For example, the husband and wife after divorce, real estate and young son (or woman) are the property of one party, while the other to purchase, how to determine the number of its mortgage »

Low housing area to purchase the second set when concessions

For use bank loans to buy houses since the first set of families, whose per capita housing area of less than the local average, and again to the commercial banks for housing loans, mutatis mutandis to the first set of housing loans since the implementation of policies, but borrowers should pay off previous loans , Should also provide the local real estate management information system based on the registration certificate from the family housing area of search results. The average per capita housing the local level to statistics department announced last year, whichever is the data. Other mortgage according to the implementation of the second set.

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