25 Jul 2008

Second-hand housing loan note

In order to avoid their own risks, the provision of loans for the secondary, often on their own and housing loans have provided a more stringent conditions, including:

First, the age. Second-hand housing has become the age of many banks extended a loan review standards, the longer the age of the lower the percentage of loans, and even may not be loans.

Second, housing location, price, size, and so on. Remote location, low-priced, small area of housing, a lower percentage of loans, and even may not be loans.

Third, the age of loans, personal credit and repayment ability. Older, poor credit, low ability to repay the loan, the loan-to the lower, or even may not be loans.

4. Taoshuo housing loans. If this is the second loan to buy more housing, loan-to reduce, or even may not be loans.

Fifth, if the lender is the field accounts, the percentage of loans may also be reduced. Therefore, people buy a house before the formal signing, with a copy of the seller of property rights certificates and other proof of income and their own materials to the banks to detailed advice, be aware of after the signing.

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